We Are Heart

Take a retreat from the chatter of the mind and what's trending,

and quietly come in to your heart space to synchronize with the heart of humanity.

Spontaneously, without effort nature's rhythm takes over,

like a silent snare drum of love, mysterious pacemaker of peace.

Witnessing no number of cycles from leaf buds to fall colors will satisfy my desire.

Freedom is in the moment's eternal presence of our collective conscious heart.

The holographic heart holds the original image in the cellular memory of the soul.

As winter yearns for spring, the soul longs to return to its original image.

Stored in heaven, reflecting into our being with all the bright warmth of the sun.

As above so below, above the sun of spirit, below the ocean of being.

Resonating the cool waters of our being can calm global warming,

dissolve the hate of racism, restore our forests, feed the poor.

The fate of the world depends on where we place our attention.

Take a retreat from the chatter of the mind and what's trending,

and quietly come in to your heart space to synchronize with the heart of humanity.


PoetryDylan Shanahan