To Be Received

The momentum of love

The power of movement.

Can build the pristine utopia

And shatter the walls of hate.

Not the internalized hate,

Sitting motionless rotting the soul.

Mental masturbation of slow suicide.

Somebody didn't love me like I needed


and I hate myself for it.

The self-proclaimed victimhood of betrayal.

Forgiveness lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Receiving forgiveness is to receive love.

Where shadow meets the light,

and is made whole.

A baby received in the womb,

the return of innocence.



- dedicated to Dr. Tamara Staudt


Something stirred in me after I watched a heartbreaking film about addiction. That combined with the work I have been doing with Dr. Tamara Staudt recently, I wrote this.

PoetryDylan Shanahan