The Mission

This organization aims to support the rebalancing of life by strengthening the global breath. Through reforestation efforts in the Pacific Northwest and beyond, trees can inhale more of the excessive carbon dioxide out of the air to reverse the trend of climate change. Trees also exhale our needed oxygen, sustaining the inverted respiration of animal life, who inhale that oxygen and give back to plants their required carbon dioxide. In the harmony of symbiosis, we avert the threat of global warming catastrophically altering life on this planet.

Life Breath has researched many reforestation organizations and has decided to partner with American Forests. They're one of the oldest nonprofits in the country. Since 1875 they have funded more than 1,000 forest restoration projects in every state, and have programs that provide tree equity in urban infrastructure for generations to come. Ensuring that this generation, at this time, reestablishes our stewardship role aiding the balance of life, in appreciation as we breathe in the beauty of all the natural world offers us.

Hopefully you will feel moved to contribute to the purpose of Life Breath and/or the sustainability of life wherever you are. We only have today, and each one holds priceless opportunity to be a part of the solution. What greater calling is there to donate some aspect of our lives to be in service of ensuring the survival of life on this planet?

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