The Wholeness of Yin and Yang


The wholeness of Yin & Yang is called the Way.

繼之者善也, 成之者性也.

[What] follows from it is favorable, [and what] it shapes is of it’s innate [imprint in clay].

仁者見之謂之仁, 知者見之謂之知.

The kernel of the human Heart sees it and calls it it’s own,

while wisdom is seeing it and calling it known.

百姓日用而不知, 故君子之道鮮矣.

Common people daily use it but [are] unaware,

causing the completion of the nobleman’s Way to be rare.


My professor didn't appreciate the liberties I took in my translation of this ancient classical Chinese to make it rhyme. I stand by its artistic accuracy.

PoetryDylan Shanahan