The Wedding Poem

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Wedding Poem


7.7 billion people on the planet and somehow, we connect.

What cosmic forces are at play, we may never know,

but to what purpose, here we can be clear.

At the forefront of 3.7 billion years of the accumulating evolutionary process,

bringing us to the threshold of our genetic heritage,

We reach out from the fundamental longing, to love and be loved.

We choose to embrace this entanglement against the better judgment of reason,

Knowing the safety of our individuality and independence,

We instead let go to the melding of hearts and minds,

like the magnetic attraction of the double helix,

Drawing two into one.

Spiraling ascension while pulled ever closer, surfaces the fears of losing ourselves,

Offering the choice to descend into separate camps hell bent on winning,

Claiming the self-righteous territory of victory,

Or with great vigilance holding on to the threads of truth.

Trusting that he who does not fight, can never lose,

And as long as you have something to defend, you give something to attack.

It is all given anyway, for love has no boundaries.

Is there anything else more valuable?

 If you could choose, wouldn't you choose love?

Today is the first choice of a lifetime to follow.

Habits are the forms that hold us,

For when the time comes for surrender,

Who upon, do we lean?

Lean into love,

And let it carry us beyond,

To the quantum leap where the union of two,

Births the one love gene fusing 7.7 billion.



Dedicated to the marriage of Shannon Curtis and Donald Spears, November 2019

PoetryDylan Shanahan