Empowering Our AntiCovid-19 Terrain


In times of pandemic it is helpful for me to remind myself of terrain theory. Where the reality of whether I get infected with something is not only about exposure, but more importantly, susceptibility. With a strong and vital immune system, my susceptibility for infection goes way down. It is also something that I can control to a large degree. Exposure to an infectious agent can be beyond our control. Maybe you're an essential worker in nursing and can't avoid the potential for exposure, maybe you ran out of toilet paper and have to brave a trip to the store, or maybe you're like me and you have to have many people coming to my apartment; from caregivers to nurses and respiratory therapists. Social distancing aims to limit the risks of exposure, but our ability to control our external environments has a limit. We have far greater control over our internal landscape, and we can stack the deck in our favor with a terrain that is inhospitable to the corona virus. Since there is no treatment or vaccine for the corona virus, our body's immune system is the best home brewed defense. How to maximize the responsiveness of our immune system is my point of focus. Many of these approaches are the foundations of health; diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and reducing stress and limiting the other elements that inhibit the immune system.


Since I have all of my nutrition and hydration through a tube into my stomach, I've lost my taste for comfort food. Excuse the pun, I don't taste anything anymore so there is no reward for the dopamine inducing foods of the sugar, salt, and fat trifecta. Plant based whole food purees is my every meal. I try to eat the rainbow, as the expression goes. The idea is that each different color of vegetables is packed with unique antioxidants and micronutrients, and that fully equips the arsenals of immune cells. Of course, everything in moderation has its place. That said, it's good to keep in mind that excessive sugar, caffeine, and alcohol all down regulate the immune system. Also, since the Corona virus is a respiratory infection. Keeping the terrain of the respiratory tract dry and unobstructed is important for an adequate immune response. In many people excessive dairy consumption is mucus producing and promotes stagnation. This makes it harder for the immune cells to get to where they are needed in the respiratory tract, delaying the immune response.


Reducing stress in stressful times is kind of a catch twenty-two. There are some tricks that I have learned that utilize our physiology to shift the nervous system. Stress and states of varying degrees of fear are associated with the sympathetic nervous system, or commonly referred to as the fight or flight system. We want to be engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, or the rest and digest system, for a maximal immune system. There are ways to support the main parasympathetic nerve, the vagus nerve. Chanting has been shown to increase vagus nerve activity. Repeated bowing also shifts the nervous system by activating baroreceptors in the neck that monitor our blood pressure. The technique that I use more now since I am unable to do the others anymore is an internal scan. I bring my attention in my body breathing at various energy centers, or also referred to as chakras, but anatomically speaking they are neuro endocrine bundles, and simply feel into the spaces. I count nine breaths at each center to keep my focus there and not allow space for the wandering thoughts to derail my attention. Also, it is very effective for me to internally scan my major organs. This all reinforces the vagus nerve activity and shifts away from the sympathetic nervous system. Besides feeling more relaxation and clarity, there is the added bonus of taking the brakes off the immune system, since stress and the sympathetic nervous system inhibit it.


Additional attitude adjustments to promote a more joyful and appreciative state of mind are obviously helpful to counteract stress and depression. This further supports a physiological shift to boost the immune system by thoughts and attitudes triggering feelings, feelings being associated with biochemical states. So literally we can affect our physiology with our thinking, a top down feedback system. The way I've been uplifting my state of mind is admiring the plants’ springtime awakening around my apartment. The blossoms, the fresh vibrant green new leaves, the return of colors, and the new growth all changing daily help me feel a part of a larger movement, although I'm not actually going anywhere different. I'm going outside though and sitting soaking up the rare sunny weather we have been having here in Portland Oregon. This doubles as an immune system boost, as well as uplifting my state after another dark gray winter comes to a close. The sunlight on our skin serves to activate vitamin D, which plays a critical role in regulating our immune system.


Then there are the additional strategies that don't require a lot of explanation. Getting quality sleep allows for sufficient time to rejuvenate the bodily functions. Exercise has many obvious benefits for wellbeing, but it’s worth pointing out the relationship to the lymphatic system. Lymphatic pathways don't have a pump. Instead they rely on muscle contractions to drain. Lymphatic drainage is critical for the immune cells’ movement and proper functioning. Adequate hydration also assists lymphatic drainage, besides being another cornerstone of wellness. I follow the simple formula for water requirements to be half your body weight in ounces. Another way to boost the immune system that is a personal favorite is massage. If you are stuck at home with a significant other, what better way to pass the time than by exchanging foot or shoulder massages. Physical contact like that stimulates the release of oxytocin, which has numerous health benefits, one notably being that it strengthens the immune system. It is called the cuddle hormone for good reason, so take full advantage of your extra time together.


As much as we might feel that the pandemic is out of our control and threatening our safety, there is still plenty of things that we can empower ourselves with, focusing on our terrain to reduce our susceptibility to infection. Alongside social distancing, supporting the immune system is a complete approach to wellness during this pandemic.

HealthDylan Shanahan