The Looking Glass

Every chance encounter,

Every random idea,

Every dreaming image,

Every life lesson,

All synchronicity,

All creativity,

All phenomena,

Every felt sensation,

Every physical symptom,

Every mental pattern,

Every weather pattern,

Is the unconscious seeking to be conscious,

The present continual revelation, "habitual intuition".

The shadows on the walls longing to reveal their origin.

It's the alchemical evolution of metals to be gold.

A drop of the ocean held on the wind,

Momentarily glimpsing its source,

Before its reimmergence.

Until we fully embrace the divinity of our true name,

Can the Giver of names ever be whole?




Inspired by Paul Levy's book, The Quantum Revelation.

Habitual intuition is how Suzuki Roshi described enlightenment.

PoetryDylan Shanahan