Self Worth

I wish I could remove the pressure you put on your self to make yourself worthy of being. Feeling the love that is your birthright, unconditional love and acceptance of the Creator, is liberation. We are created in God's image and therefore, our worth and value is implicit in our being, as living spirit.


Fostering freedom moment to moment is the path of liberation. Continuing to play those mind games with an accruing interest in your divinity. Time being your vehicle of liberation. Staying present in the presence of the divinity that is all around us, fractal holograph, where everything is consubstantial, where everyone is consanguinity, makes the ancestral tree transparent by reciprocal perception. When you perceive the divine, your divinity is perceived. Simply look and be seen.


And whether you are in your doing or sitting still, there is an open invitation to be in the presence of your self and divinity. It is always the same game, to be in the felt presence. Can you feel it? Is there anything more important, not to the seeker. Although it is a misnomer to be seeking, like a fish seeks the ocean when it's always in it. Imagine that originally there was no space or time, and then through God all of manifestation came into being, like God blew up a balloon to fill the universe. We are literally in God and of God. God's breath animates all things.


The key word is in. Are you in your body? Are you in your feelings? You are the wave particle duality. All matter is the infinite potential of the quantum wave function. And the body knows its connection to source. Through the body is the way of liberation from the pathological thinking that you are somehow less than, not in, not inherently worthy of love, separate, and not of the divine. No matter what you have done, nor any future action can change the fact that you are, you are a full cup, you are the beauty of the world, bright shining as the sun. Can you feel it?


 It is in there, it is in you, not out in the world. The way is to feel it in you. Every cell is coherent with the universe and every electron of the body. You are a tuning fork with the whole spectrum of the seventy two octaves of electromagnetic frequency available to you. You can choose your vibe. Your natural state is harmonic resonance, birthing reciprocity. Can you feel it? The task is to play with staying present, feeling the presence of the divine, your divinity, continually practicing. Can you feel it?



--for me God is synonymous with the Dao, Creator, Great Spirit, Unnameable womb of potential, Source of Love and Life