On One Knee

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We may fall.
We might have mistaken our true calling.
How is one to know,
in the separation of our fear?
How could the Light of such Grace
be my birthright?
How could the mud and slime,
stagnating the flow of blood in my heart,
be the resonance of the Sun?
One who acts such as I,
who has hurt others,
lied to many,
none more important than to myself,
how could a sinner such as I begin
to knock on the door of Your Salvation?
What confidence to whisper Your Name
could come from such a soul?
Loneliness beckons me,
fear of never seeing Your Face,
never hearing Your Name called back to me
as my own.
Where else could I ever call home?
I must then knock,
but on one knee.

PoetryDylan Shanahan