There’s No Alter

I walk on this Earth with shoes on my feet, wondering where to sit.

Where’s the Sacred space to relate myself to a higher cause?

These rocks trip me up and I fall to the ground, rising up to the sky I ask,

“Where are all the Alters?”

Where am I to talk to God? How am I to connect?

Trees block my view of the horizon, the oceans cover the secrets held at the depths.

There’s no Alter.

I blow out the candle, to turn on the light, for some better sight to read.

Surely there’s something in these books to tell me where the Altars be.

Cemented streets, sky scrapping buildings…

Are these the New Age Altars?

From their tops, I’m closer to the Stars, walking the streets my new shoes stay clean,

though, I still feel no closer to an Alter.

I’ve been into every shopping mall, super center, QuickyMart, Drive Thru, downtown, and no one has an Alter for sale.

I’m tired of looking and there’s a rock in this park.

I’ll sit right here until it gets dark.

Dylan Shanahan