The Toxic Masculine

Bitch ass crybaby

You weak wimpy excuse for a man

Suck it up, toughen up

You’re an embarrassment to the Shanahans

What are you doing sitting up in the trees crying

Get on the ground and get to work, you’re not dying

So carry your weight and stop whining

They’re going to pick you apart

if you keep being such a pussy

Work hard, eventually you’ll see

Bitch ass crybaby

Stop singing songs and be strong

Stop your dancing and prancing

They’re going to say you’re gay

Bitch ass crybaby

Don’t tell me about your feelings

Push through

Nobody cares about your shit

So sit down and work on your penmanship

Bitch ass crybaby

Life’s not fair, so don’t stare

Pick up a shovel and dig a hole, deep

Lay in there and weep

Stay until your innocence is dead

Then you can finally think with your head

Bitch ass crybaby

Lift up your chin, don’t forget to grin, make sure you win

Lift up your chin, don’t forget to grin, make sure you win

Lift up your chin, don’t forget to grin, make sure you win

PoetryDylan Shanahan