My Happy Place

Lying at the foot of the Giants.

Cushioned with a bed of moss below.

Covered above by the elders of ancient days

towering up towards the light.

There’s a gentle breeze,

a soft rustling of leaves and branches all around.

The peaceful sound of a forest.

Content gazing up at the ceiling of branches swaying in the wind.

The deer off in the distance don't even catch my eye.

There’s no demands, no external expectations,

no one to impress or let down.

No fear of failure, nor desire to be the best.

It’s just the sounds of the forest with me in the center.

Grateful to be listening to God’s symphony.




--for me God is synonymous with the Dao, Creator, Great Spirit, Unnamable womb of potential, Source of Love and Life, unified quantum Field, ecstatic Emptiness


PoetryDylan Shanahan